Friday, April 12, 2024

Two Creations


So Elohim created humanity in His image; in the image of Elohim He created it: male and female He created them.

Genesis 1: 27, Concordant Old Testament 

Many believers are aware of the creation story.  How the Lord formed man out of the dust of the ground {Genesis 2:7}.  How we were created in His own spirit image {Genesis 1:27}.  Yet, if we're to follow the timeline of the scriptures, we make a interesting observation.  That is, that there are not one, but two creation events which we are involved in.  The first being when the Lord spoke to the creation of man in the beginning of Genesis.  It is the Lord who proclaims, "Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness."  After the creation in the spirit image of the Father we see in Genesis 1:27, we do not see the physical results of His creation until a bit later.  So, our first creation has left us in the spirit image of our Father creator.  This is where the creation story falls short.  This is just one of many examples of the mainstream church theology.  After the first creation, the Lord gives a glimpse into His plan for His new creation.  That man would have dominion over the earth and all that lived upon it {Genesis 1:26}.  So, we now have an idea of what the Lords purpose is for His new creation.  To be fruitful, multiply and to fill the earth and subdue it {Genesis 1:28}.  These are the instructions which the Lord has given to His new creation.  Yet, it would seem that even before the Lord gave us life in the flesh, that we indeed had life in the spirit.  For we see from scripture that the Lord is relating to His new creation although they are but in spirit form.  He speaks of His expectations for them.  So, instead of a living, breathing life in the flesh, our first creation has left us with a spirit life with our Father creator.  

Yahweh Elohim formed the human out of soil from the ground, and He blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and the human became a living soul. 

Genesis 2: 7, Concordant Old Testament 

The second creation begins with the Lord breathing into His spirit creation the breath of life.  It is after this that His creation is defined as a "Living soul" {Genesis 2:7}.  This is also the first instance of the Lords creation being referred to as "Human."  So it is that we have gone from a spirit to a flesh creation.  In the spirit creation we were obviously in the presence of the Lord who created us.  We were obviously conscious of our surroundings as the Lord related to us what His plans were for us.  And who exactly was the Father speaking to when He spoke of creating man in "Our" image?  Well, the apostle John might help us out here.  John speaks that from the beginning "The Word" was toward God, and God was the Word{Johns Account 1:1}.  It can be said that this "Word" is none other than Christ Jesus, who has been with the Father from the beginning.  So, from our creation we have been with Christ and the Father.  He has always been a part of us.  We were created as His perfect image and we then became a living being through His second creation.  What is interesting is that we see nothing in the second creation of being in His image.  This second creation is our flesh creation, yet still created from the Father.  What can be said is that our one true image is that which the Lord first created.  For we are in spirit and not the flesh {Paul To The Romans 8:9}.  


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