Saturday, May 11, 2019

In The Spirit

27So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Genesis 1: 27 NKJV

I've always had a fascination with ghost stories.  From a young age I sped through books from Hans Holzer, one of the worlds most pronounced ghost hunters.  I relished the mystery and the fear most people felt for the spirit universe which seemed to be inhabited by ghosts and demons.  However, when it came down to it, I was just as afraid of those things which moved about in the night as anyone else.  Why wouldn't I be?  I mean, this was a part of Gods universe which is very rarely understood by those of us on this side of our Lords creation.  I'm not talking about ghosts of the hollywood, comedic type either.  No, these beings which I truly have a fear of are those which seem to take a delight in sowing fear among those in the physical realm.  But do we really need to be in fear of this part of our Lords universe?  After all, if God has created all which is seen and unseen, is He also not responsible for the creation of this spirit world?  Was it Gods intention to create a part of His creation which would continually sow fear in the hearts of man?  I think not.  Recently I began to take a closer look into why it is that most people are often afraid of this part of their universe.  Where I was once fearful, I am now curious.  After all, when we get God involved, all too often we lose whatever fear we may have been feeling.  I no longer see this spirit reality as a seperate realm of evil meant to put fear into our hearts, but as a part of our Lords creation meant for its own purpose.  How many people can say that?  Well, I'm assuming that we will continue to see tv shows and movies meant to scare the $#&@ out of us all.  But, how much do we truly need to fear that which we very seldom see?

14in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. 15He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or eprincipalities or fpowers. All things were created through Him and for Him.
Colossions 1: 14 - 16 NKJV

My own interactions with the spirit realm center around my mother.  I have one recollection while she was still with us, and one after she had passed.  Did my mother have that ability to see what most people cannot?  I wouldn't say that.  However, I believe that her own understanding of this side of Gods creation was often more in tune than most people.  I remember when I was young she would often ease my own fears of spirits by telling me that God would never create something which would harm me.  How right she was.  So, do we really need to fear those from the spirit side of things?  I would say no, and here's why.  Doesn't God have a hand in the creation of everything we see?  Does He not have a hand in the creation of all we don't see?  Well, I've never seen a atom, yet I know that my heavely Father created it.  I've never seen gravity, yet each day I'm reminded that God has indeed created that as well.  So, tell me, what is it that we have to fear from that which we don't understand?  The apostle Paul tells us that all things have been created through Christ and for Christ {Colossions 1:16}.  What would Jesus need for a part of the Fathers creation with a bunch of spirits?  Well, first let's ask the million dollar question, what is a spirit?  Aren't we all spirit in nature?  Isn't this the very image in which we were created?  We lay claim that God is indeed a Spirit reality, but there's definately a disconnect between Him and those created in His own image.  We recognize that Christ Jesus is a Spirit reality, yet we chafe at the idea that man could be one with Him {Galations 2:20}.  Friends, if God is indeed a Spirit form, isn't it obvious that our one true image in which we were created is one of the spirit as well?  If we are to follow this reasoning, then we will no longer need to fear those dark corners where that which torments us hides.  Why do we fear that which our Lord has created for His own purpose?  Are those who have passed before us in fear?  When we know in our hearts that all which we might ever experience has been created by God, it takes the fearout of it. 

7For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
1 Timothy 1: 7 NKJV


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