Saturday, January 11, 2020

When It's Not About Me

And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
2 Corinthians 12: 7 NKJV

There is nothing in the world that will drag us out of our feelings of self importance like adversity.  I can't imagine the apostle Paul being proud or haughty per se, yet there was that thorn in his flesh which, by his own admission, was sent remind him that it wasn't all about him.  I know that feeling all too well,  This past week I was feeling pretty good about myself.  My gym workouts were going well and it seemed like things were going smoothly.  Then it happened.  While probably not as great a thorn in the flesh as Paul dealt with, a case of bronchitis sidelined me for more than a few days.  Now, was this a "messenger of satan" as Paul observed in his case?  Maybe not, but what I do know is that it took me from the pride of my recent accomplishments to a place of realizing who I really am pretty quick.  Now, I'll never say that we shouldn't take pride in our own achievements, just not too the extent that we're the star of the movie when there's another who deserves that recognition more.  I've found that living as Christ Jesus is a lot like that.  Through our daily lives we will certainly come across many opportunities to toot our own horns to celebrate all we've done.  I don't have a issue with that.  What I do have a issue with is removing Jesus from His position of prominence in our lives.  I say this because I've been there more than a few times.  It usually starts out innocent enough, with something we might take pride in accomplishing.  For me it was a two hundred pound bench press goal I'd set for myself.  Once I reached it, I exalted in my strength!  This in itself isn't a big issue, as long as we see the big picture.  I go back to the words of Paul in Philippians, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me {Philippians 4:13}.  How can I read this verse and think that it is due to my efforts alone that bring me to my victories?  Not only can I do all things through Him...but Christ Jesus IS my strength.  He is the push.  He is the motivation.  Jesus has a wonderful way of reminding us that it's not always about ourselves.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4: 13 NKJV

I'll be the first one to admit that feeling proud is a fundamental part of our being human.  Again, being proud of our accomplishments is never a bad thing.  However, believing that we alone are responsible for our victories, that's a bad thing.  Remember, we can do all things through CHRIST who is in us.  He is our strength.  I recently had the opportunity to share with a friend of mine my journey to recovery from addiction.  I didn't use a twelve step program, seminar or lecture series in my recovery.  What I did do, ultimately, is realize the man I really was inside.  I think that once I related my story to me friend, that he somehow thought that he had discovered a cure all for his own addictions.  However, I was the first to tell him that not everyone could follow the path I had.  In my case, Christ used something unique to my situation to remind me that it wasn't all about me.  One thing I reminded my friend of was that, as He had done with me, that Jesus would eventually speak to him of how valuable he is to his heavenly Father.  We spend a lot of time in discussions on the independent self.  That belief we all have that it is we ourselves who are in control of our lives.  This is simply another lie spoken from the accuser.  How can we be independent of our Lord who created us?  In my opinion, this is a absurd belief.  Not only did God create me in His own image {Genesis 1:26}, but He breathed into me the breath of life {Genesis 2:7}.  I have my Father in me {Galatians 2:20}.  This, more than anything, is enough to remind me that's not all about me.  I'm not proud of the things I've done, but I am proud of the man I've become in Christ.


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