Friday, October 30, 2015

When Men are Needed

"So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.
Ezekiel 22: 30 NKJV

Without a doubt we live in a society dominated by men.  The United States Marines have produced a saying that has personified their creed for more than a few years, "A few good men."  Are the Marines responsible for creating men in our society, are they the measure of manhood.  Granted, the men of Semper Fidelis are certainly in the catagory of being a man in our society, but I'm not so sure this is the true measure.  God certainly didn't go to the local Marine recruiter when he was searching for a man to stand in the gap for him.  So, obviously there must be something else going on there.  Whatever it is, we need more of them.
I don't think we've ever been at a point in our society where men, real men, are so desperately needed.  With a 50% divorce rate, broken homes and relationships, our nation is crying out for real men to step up and stand in the gap.  Trouble is, where are we going to find them?  To answer that question, we'd need a checklist of what makes a real man, but I think we already know that answer in our hearts.  For starters, let's look for someone who doesn't ignore their responsibilities, guards and cherishes his family, respects and defends his country and stands up and defends those who cannot defend themselves.  Sound like a good list to start with?  Now, let's take a look around us in our communities and see just how many people exhibit these qualities.  I think we'd be surprised at what we found.  Is it any wonder that even God couldn't  find one man to stand for him?
When I was growing up, men of my dads caliber were what society considered to be men.  King of his castle,  masters of their own lives, needing help from nobody and feeling free to jump from one sexual conquest to another, THIS was a man.  Something tells me that this was not what God had in mind as he searched for a man.  After all, his job is easier, for he already knows the hearts of men.  Over the years, I've come to realize that I've definately inherited a few qualities from my own dad.  However, this is by no means what has made me a man!  He may have contributed to the man his son has ultimately become, but he wasn't the only influence.
I believe that as God searched for a man to stand in the gap  that he already knew what he was looking for.  The scriptures are full of the exploits of great MEN faith in the bible.  Abraham, Moses, David, Paul and, of course, the greatest man of all, our Lord Jesus.  I believe that no greater example of a Godly man has ever been given.  Forsaken, ridiculed, betrayed and ultimately led to his death, Jesus showed the very qualities of the kind of man that we so desperately need today.  I can't remember my dad ever telling me that he was proud of me.  However, what I look forward to is my REAL father one day saying to me "Well done, good and faithful servant."


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