Friday, February 19, 2016

A Faith For The Moment

And  a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat on the boat, so that it was already filling.  But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow.  And they awoke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?"  Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace, be still!"  And the wind ceased and there was great calm.  But He said to them, "Why are you so fearful?  How is it that you have no faith?"  And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, "Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"
Mark 4: 37-41 NKJV

I remember some years back I was on a "short" fishing trip with my friend David on one of Minnesotas 10,00 or so lakes.  Now, I need to point out that David was no average "fair weather" fisherman.  As a commercial airline pilot, this man seemed to have no fear.  No, there was no weather system that he wouldn't brave in order to gather his daily catch.  And so it was on this occasion.  What had began as a pretty decent Minnesota spring day had abruptly changed into a overcast prediction of rain.  Even though I questioned his judgement, we eventually set out once again.  As usual, we did pretty good finding the fish, and soon we were on our way back.  This is where Davids trust in the weather almost cost us.  For no sooner had we pulled in our last fish than a sudden squall came up on the lake we were on.  Now, to David, this was just another trip.  However, for me, it was possibly my final voyage!  Here I was, so young and on the verge of perishing on a fishing trip!  Of course, David couldn't help but laugh as I counted off my last moments on earth.  In his eyes, this was just another normal approach to some major airport!  Eventually we made it to shore, and I swore for the hundredth time never to fish with this man again!  However, the next day we were at it once again.
I liken my fish story to Jesus' lesson on faith found in Mark 4:37.  Here were these disciples, followers of Jesus being tossed about on the sea of Galilee.  Where was their teacher?  Calmly asleep in the back of the boat on a pillow!  I'm guessing that the disciples were incredulous that, with this storm raging about them, that Jesus was still sleeping.  However, it is here that a most important lesson is learned.  For with three simple words, Jesus rebukes the wind and the sea.  As calm settles around them, Jesus asks them the very same question I'm sure my friend was thinking that day on a Spring fishing trip, "How is it that you have no faith?"  Easy for him to say?  Where is it that we find our faith in those times when life gets crazy?  When we are faced with the choice of trusting in God or what we see in front of us, where do we turn?
We are all impressed with the stories of those who break down the walls of heaven in prayer over a situation.  There are plenty of stories out there of miracles that have happened when people gather and pray.  This is not surprising, for God calls on us to come to him when we are in need.  However, the faith that impresses me is that of those who trust in Gods presence even as the world is coming down around them.  The father who trusts in Gods provision even as his job is eliminated.  The parents who put their faith and trust in Gods healing as they are told of their childs life threatening illness.  It is in these situations where we see trust without a doubt!  Not only can our Lord provide, but he will!

Man will say, "Show me and I'll trust you!"
God will say, "Trust in me and I'll show you"


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