Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Pain Of Giving

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 NKJV

I saw a notice on the website of a church I attend on occasion which was promoting a sermon series on generosity.  One of the catch phrases of this series was "We are most like God when we are giving ourselves away."  Imediately the red flags went up.  Ok, so a church is asking me to be generous, what's the catch?  Now, personaly I take issue with any church telling me I am more like God when I "Give myself away."  For it is Jesus himself who now resides within me.  So, each day God is exhibited and glorified through me!  I have a instinctive reaction that whenever a church is asking me to be generous, it usualy means they are seeking contributions from the congregation.  Of course, that this church offered "Budgeting classes" to accompany this season of being generous only seemed to solidify my point.  Now, obviously, the church needs money in order to operate, or does it?  I fear being branded a heretic for this line of thinking, but I fear that our churches have become more of an institution than a formal place of worship.  In fact, is there scripture to back up the fact that we need a church in order to continue as Gods people?

"However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says:  'Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool.  What house will you build for me?  Says the LORD, Or what is the place of my rest?   Has my hand not made all these things?'
Acts 7: 48-50 NKJV

Think about that for a minute.  Our Lord has made ALL things, does He really need a special building in order for us to gather?  Do we need a building in order to worship our Lord?  The Isrealites, Gods chosen people, worshiped in the wilderness.  No, I think the idea that we need a church building is something man has brought into the equation over the centuries.
In 2 Corinthians 2:9, the apostle Paul gives us in one sentence a more powerful sermon on generosity than any preacher ever could.  Far from the call from the modern day pulpits to "Give until it hurts," Paul tells those in Corinth that true charity begins in ones heart.  For when we are free to give to those in need around us without feeling like we "Have to," then this is where our Lord can work though us.  A willing heart and a loving God working together as one.  For it is the modern day church who would call upon it's congregations to open their billfolds and "Give until it hurts," it is not from God.  No, everything that we own is a result of Gods blessing of provision upon us!  What do you own that God did not provide for?  How is it that charity comes about?  Is it not from Gods people, with willing hearts and a compassion for those around them, giving from their hearts?  I would venture that no preacher in history ever got someone to be a cheerful giver by telling someone to "give until it hurts!"


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