Thursday, June 1, 2017

To Be A Man

22Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He hmade into a woman, and He brought her to the man. 23And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” 24Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 
Genesis 2: 22 - 24 NKJV 

It's been said that women are often refered to as the "Fairer" sex.  Indeed, one cannot deny that the woman is more often than not more refined, calm and emotional than we their male counterparts.  Now, I'm not sayiong that they are weaker or less of anything than men, just that they more often than not all that we are not.  The writer of the book of Genesis refers to God recognizing Adams need for a suitable "Helper," of which one could not be found in our Lords creation.  Notice here that God referenced Adams need for a helper and not a ruler, master or overseer.  No, what God was looking for was someone who was comparable to Adam, and He couldn't find her.  I know that feeling.  It is also interesting that in Genesis that we are introduced to that very difinition of the word woman.  That being, "From man."  I get it, for Eve was indeed formed from a part of Adam.  She shared a part of him from the begining, for she was taken from him.  I see this as a very interpersonal relationship, one where man and woman will eventually unite not because one is dependent upon the other, but because in a way which only our heavenly Father could create it, they complete each other.  This is not a relationship held together by fear, jealousy or mutual convenience but because...they are now one flesh.  Think about that the next time you browse a singles ad or are considering talking to that attractive girl across the room, that the arena you are now entering is one of mutual fulfillment.  Chances are, if your desire is to enter into a relationship for any other reason that it was the end the relationship will fail.  Think about it, what happens to most relationships based purely on economics, sex or dependence?  Their survival rate is far from noteworthy.  

4Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8Love never fails. 
1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8 NKJV 

To say that I and others of my generation have from time to time bastardized our Lords standard for love would be an understatement.  We have all too often forsaken the virtues which the apostle Paul preached in 1 Corinthians 13 for moments of our own personal pleasure.  In that moment, a woman ceases to be that suitable helper and instead becomes a object for our own enjoyment, a possession to be paraded...a conquest.  I should correct myself by saying that it's not only my generation who have bastardized Gods true design for male and female relationships.  There's a reason that prostitution is refered to as the worlds oldest profession.  "But I've never even been with a prostitute" you say?  Really?  What else would you call spending money to wine and dine a woman with the hopes of sleeping with her?  In the end, you're still spending money for sex.  I appreciate the fact that I may get some pushback from those who may say that this stance is outdated, strict or even too religious.  Perhaps, but coming from a single parent home I have a unique perspective on the practice of adultry.  Go ahead, tell me that there are no victims to this behavior.  Contrary to popular belief, shacking up with as many women as you can simply does not make one a man in my eyes...nor in the eyes of God.
  I work with a man who risked it all for the simple pleasure of being with another woman.  Choosing to sleep with this other woman rather than remain faithful to his wife and family now costs him half of his income each month.  Was it worth it?  Not in my  eyes.  This is only the financial consequences he's faced.  I am not privy to any of the private hell which he or his family might be going through as a result of his actions.  Again, as Paul tells us, love does not seek its own.  Instead, that concept of "Me" now becomes "We."  Of course, as a single christian man, I have seen the results of those who have bastardized the male and female relationship first hand.  I get it.  However, I know that somewhere out there is someone who is carrying my missing rib bone.


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