Sunday, November 15, 2015

In Gods Name

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossions 3:17 NKJV

The dates are etched in the memories of those who bore witness to them either in person or through media.  September 11, 2001, November 13th, 2015.  There are so many more, but these two stand out as two of the most horrific terror attacks in modern history.  I could list more, but the point would be mute.  In the wake of the attacks in Paris, France this past week, the world was once again exposed to the radical view of a growing number of misguided people.  The reasons that these radicals do what they do is something for politicians and media personalities to haggle over, we are only left to mourn for the victims of these violent acts.  Once again, I prepare for those questions that usually come about after incidents like these.  How can a loving and merciful God advocate such violence and death?  The truth of the matter is, he doesn't, and he NEVER WILL.
I've never been a student of Islam (thankfully), but I know enough that I refuse to believe that ANY loving God would advocate the killing of scores of people!  I've heard it said that the religion of Islam is a religion of peace, however, I've never delved into the Koran to validate any of these beliefs.  My question is this, IF Islam is a peaceful religion, what is it in the teachings of the Koran that advocates these horrific acts?  Maybe someday I'll come across that answer.  Yet another troubling question is, why do christians, who serve a loving God, mistreat others as well?  I can't speak for others, just from my own experiences.  Although I've been a christian for many years, I haven't always treated others as Jesus would have.  And who could forget the Crusades?  That christian invasion of heathen arab lands to convert troubled souls to christianity.  All in Gods name.
 It's  important to mention that this human condition that we're all born into is one of sin.  That incident in the Garden of Eden assures us of that.  However, far from excusing our bad behavior, mans fall into sin was only the begining of Gods redemption of all of his creation.  Yes, our Lord knows that we are prone to sin, which is why he provided for that final cleansing sacrafice of Jesus on the cross.  It is only through Christ that we have the freedom and salvation of the forgiveness of all sins past, present and future.

That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9 NKJV

Colossions 3:17 asks us to do all things in the name of Jesus as we glorify God through him.  However, I fail to see how the killing of thousands of people would glorify the loving God that I serve.


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