Sunday, November 1, 2015

Shame Game

Who is he who condemns?  It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.

How is it that we approach people about Jesus?  Is it a simple conversation, or a fire and brimstone type of revival?  Do we tell people of the love and grace of God, or do we simply guilt that person into submission?  I'm sure there are people out there who feel that if they preach their message often enough, that each and every sinner that they come into contact with will repent.  This is very prevelant in television sermons and even a few pulpits these days.  However, is this the message that God would have us giving to people?  I'm not so sure that making someone feel guilty about not knowing God is a message from our Father, but it's what I did for some time.  In my defense, this is what I was taught was the best way to convince others that they were on the wrong path.  Yet, I bristled whenever someone tried this same approach with me.  So, the revival technique was fine for me, just don't try to use that stuff on me!
What is it that changed my opinion about how I talk to people about Jesus?  Well, I have a few Godly friends who NEVER used this approach with me, but told me of Gods love and mercy.  Not only did these guys talk to me about Jesus, they exhibited Jesus in their interactions with others.  We only need to look at Jesus' interactions with others to see his effective ministry.

Was returning.  And sitting in his chariot, he was reading Isaiah the prophet.  Then the spirit said to Philip, "Go near and overtake this chariot."  So PPhilip ran to him and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?"  And he said, "How can I, unless someone guides me?"  And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him.
Acts 8: 28-31 NKJV

In Acts 8, we never once see Philip making the eunuch feel guilty or obligated to follow Jesus.  Sure, the eunuch was reading the scriptures, but did Philip show him these passages?  No, something had led this Ethiopian to read the sriptures.  My guess is, since the Holy Spirit had instructed Philip to talk with this man, that God had guided him to the words of his pprophets.  No shame, no guilt, and the Ethiopian is baptized and goes away rejoicing!
Recently, my mother has been confined to a nursing home due to illness.  My mother has always been a strong christian woman, but at times her faith is shaken due to her surroundings.  One thing she has said, is that she looks forward to my visits and hearing me read from Gods word.  Maybe  this is what God desires most, not to teach or convert, but to tell people of the good news of Jesus?  One thing is for certain, I REALLY dislike people making me feel guilty about anything.


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