Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20 NKJV

What is that you're thankful for?  For me, I'm thankful for my friends, family, employment and so much more.  Each of us has their certain things for which they are thankful, but it usually boils down to being thankful for our immediate needs being met by our Lord who loves us.  I've noticed that it is mostly during the holiday season where we stop and take stock of just what it is that is important in our lives.  However, I'm guessing that God is not just God during the holidays,  but all year round.  I'm as guilty as anyone for taking most of the things that God has provided for me for granted.  I also understand that life can get busy, and sometimes we just don't seem to have the time to whisper to our loving God "Thank you!."  The lovliness of all of this is, despite our busy schedules, our Lord loves us more than we can imagine.
There are plenty of examples out there of our Lords provision in our lives.  I would venture that everything that affects our lives is a gift from God.  The air that we breathe, the food we eat even that weather that we either like or dislike.  All that we see around us is a gift from God.  THAT is more than enough for us to give thanks for all that we have, or ever will have.  Yes, everything we ever will have is also a gift from our Lord.  Even in this great land of opportunity that we are blessed to live in, it is our Heavenly Father who charts the course of our lives.

A man's heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 NKJV

We can make some pretty grandiose plans, but it is God who eventually directs the path that we choose.  Now, just because some of those plans never come to fruition and some paths have some potholes, it's still our Lord guiding us.  Was it not our Lord who led his people, the Isrealites, through the dessert for 40 long years?  How long did the Isrealites cry out to God before he used Moses to lead them from Egypt?  The point here is, even though we may think we know the right direction for our lives, God has our ultimate well being in his loving plan.  We do well to seek his guidance in all decisions that we make.  One thing is for certain, if we do, we have some very wise counsel.  Whatever it is that we are thankful for today, our loving Father has provided for it.  Thank you Lord.


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